". . . It is refreshing to find someone like Donna who is eager to perform her duties and diligent in maintaining high quality standards. When giving staff assignments, Donna is always ready to be challenged on even the most demanding projects." Donna is able to take charge on many of our projects. She has helped coordinate the activities of both in-house and outside engineers. She communicates well with others and has a clear understanding of the impact our efforts have on client relations. She takes personal responsibility for the work that she performs and I have observed the many times she stays late to perform extra work to assure that expectations are fully met. Donna's motivation and performance has been an integral part of our success. . ."

-John Hopkins (Principal Architect and former employer)

"The deck is coming along beautifully. I will send you over some pictures. Everything went to the city very well."

-Caleb Lopez (General Contractor)

"To whom it may concern: it has been my pleasure and my privilege to work with Donna for the past four years as part of the Dinner with Grace volunteer meal program. She is ever dependable, generous of time and spirit, scrupulously honest, and an interesting, funny human being as well. She always of herself above and beyond what is called for. I am honored to call her my friend. "

-Fran Rounds (Former Volunteer Coordinator, Core Team Member & Volunteer Food Shopper for the Dinner with Grace Program for Grace Cathedral - S.F.)

"I love everything. Everybody likes the simplistic style. Some people wanted a copy of the plan and I said, no. People saw a lot of styles of homes but really like the style of this one. You should come and have a vacation to visit to stay at the house. You're welcome any time."

-L. Espero (Client - Custom Residence)

"With her expertise and knowledge Ms. Alconcel gave me many ideas, recommendations, suggestions and advice I needed in the renovations to my small bathroom and the shower stall to my main bathroom. With her assistance, I was able to make decisions which avoided costly mistakes. . . I am very happy that I followed her suggestions because I am very happy with the outcome. I am very grateful for all of the architectural design assistance Ms. Alconcel provided me as well as all her time to answer all my questions. Ms. Alconcel is very professional, knowledgeable & resourceful in her line of work."

-A. Llanillo (Client - bathroom & shower stall remodel)